
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Random Post #1

So I Was Watching The Markiplier Live Stream Sunday I Made This.
I Know It's Not Very Good But I Made It! You Can Also See It On My Twitter @Redflame708. Rosie Out, Bye Guys! :3 

Just Some News #2

       Sorry I haven't been posting I'v been focusing on school a bit and yesterday we had ACT testing, it was boring if your wondering. I don't know what the point of it is. Oh, I'm one step closer to getting  a you tube channel, I got a new laptop for making video's. I just need to start downloading everything I need, get a desk for my room, get everything setup on the desk, last find out how to work everything. So yeah not close at all. Well I got to go and sorry this was just a short little up date. Rosie out, Bye guys.    

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Just Some News #1

        Hi it's me again I thought I would tell everybody I mite start Online schooling. You may be asking yourself so, what does that mean? Well it means I going to have a lot more time to post,  tweet, and maybe even make video's for youtube. If I do start making videos for youtube though it will be more just so my friends know that I'm doing well and that I'm ok, Because I don't use face book as much as I should. So you mite here me talk to or about one of my friends in video's even though I'm not in a skype call with anyone. So on top of youtube video's I am making " Just some news" on my blog so that Everyone can get a little more inside on how stuff's going, or if I forget to fill a  video for that day I'll inform Everyone on what's going on. I also mite have a friend or two post stuff on here as well so different people for different posts, but I'll still do all the mane posting We will also use different color text and different ways we sign off. So, on that note, This is Rosie Jane Star Signing Off, Bye guys!

Don't let anyone tell you your not a unicorn!

I'm So Fab

I made this and chances are if you follow me @Redflame708 you saw it if not here it is and the next time I make one I'll post it on here first. It was made for Ksic Gaming ( A youtuber I'm subed to ) Go check him out. Rosie Out, bye guys. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

        I guess I should post today. I was going to post a pic if  an #Askmatt, But when I went to see if it worked and all I could see was a black pic of nothing I'll try again on this post, But I'll also post it on twitter. Rosie out, bye guys.