
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Paragraphs I Did For School

What the Presidential Candidates say on Immigration

I was wondering what the presidential candidates think about immigration, because they were too busy shooting each other for me to cech what they said. Hillary wants to fix the broken immigration system that most americans can’t even pass. She wants to make it easier for parents who are illegal immigrants stay with there kids that are citizens. Trump says he will build a wall to keep out illegal mexicans who cross the border and that Muslims should be temporarily barred from entering the country, but he never said how he’s going to make mexico pay for that border, or what he’s going to do about Muslims that are in the country already. That’s what I found out about what the presidential candidates say on immigration.

What the Presidential Candidates say on Health Care

I wanted to know what the candidates thought about health care and what they plan on doing about it. Trump wants to repeal and replace it with something better, something that is more affordable for poor families and says that private plans are the way to go. Hillary, On the other hand, says she wants to keep the Affordable Care Act and expanded on it to make it more affordable for the out-of-pocket payer. So that's what I found out about the Presidential candidates health care plans.

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